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Natural Behavior Training

Does your dog act out behaviors considered unwanted, aggressive, or dangerous?

Did you know that your dog is always obeying and enforcing the Laws of Pack (LOP) on you and your family whenever it is awake and even when asleep?

Knowing the LOP and properly responding to to your dog when it is violating them is what this training is all about. You will become proficient in applying the PackSense Collar Technique whenever your dog initiates any behavior on you, your family, or on anything it considers foreign to your pack. With this, overtime, you achieve command and control of your dog the moment it is triggered through one or all of its senses to act out a response behavior considered unwanted, aggressive, dangerous, or even vicious. Knowing the Laws of Pack puts you in front of your dog’s natural response behaviors in any environment, and equips you to instantly command and control your dog by modifying its behavior mode before it acts it out. Overtime, your dog will naturally look to you and obey you on command or just by your presence when it is triggered to do otherwise.

One of the Laws of Pack states that a behavior allowed is a behavior that is repeated every waking moment until modified by a higher ranking member of the pack. Another one of the Laws of Pack states that the more times a dog is allowed to repeat a behavior that it will gradually use more force overtime. These behaviors are not ever going to go away because they are genetic response behaviors (GRBs) that your dog inherited from its parents. These GRBs are the behaviors most often considered unwanted, aggressive, dangerous or even vicious to the average dog owner and observer. These behaviors are also the primary reason our shelters and dog rescues nationwide overflow every year overflow with unwanted/surrendered dogs. They are also the primary reason that the costs associated with dog liability claims are going up every year and now collectively cost the homeowner insurance industry and their dog owners nearly $900 million in liability claims for 2021.

Your dog’s GRBs are always triggered and then acted out the moment when one or more of their senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, touch) detects another pack member or anything it considers foreign to its pack. Genetic response behaviors are always triggered but ony acted out according to the Laws of Pack every waking moment. Did you know your dog is most likely violating the Laws of Pack whenever it initiates a behavior on you. Reducing dog liability means each human member of the pack has to be considered the higher ranking member by the dog or you are going to experience unwanted behaviors acted out more frequently and with more intensity by your dog on you, your family, or anything it considers foreign to its pack every waking moment.

According to the PackSense Natural Behavior Training, your dog is always violating the Laws of Pack whenever it initiates and acts out any behavior on you, your family, or anything the dog considers foreign to its pack. Knowing the Laws of Pack and actively modifiying your dog’s behavior using the PackSense Collar Technique & Format, you and your family will establish a naturally stable pack relationship with your dog and overtime achieve command & control of your dog’s GRBs the moment they are triggered and before they are acted out. An important and weighted Law of Pack is that a higher ranking member of the pack is always present when a lower ranking member is interacting with the other members of the pack or with anything it considers foreign to your pack. That means you are always with your dog or your dog is in a crate. This practice called the PackSense Crate Format is the best option and always recommended for maintaining your dog’s behavioral health over the course of its entire life.

Your dog is always initiating behaviors on you and your family every waking moment. If the human don’t know how to properly respond to these behaviors being acted out on them or in front of them, the dog overtime behaves as if it has a higher rank then the humans present. Your response every waking moment is applying the PackSense Collar Technique to your dog consistently. The technique naturally modifies your dog’s behavior and establishes you as the higher ranking member in that moment. The formats provided in the training system enable you to consistently practice the technique with your dog in a process that overtime time and practice establishes you and your family as the higher ranking members and your dog as the lower ranking member. Overtime and practice you and your family will achieve verbal command of your dog to redirect its attention on you instead of what it just triggered on in that moment.

The PackSense Natural Behavior Training is based on the PackSense Collar Technique and equips dog owners to apply the first all-natural behavior modification technique that mimics how higher ranking members in a natural pack of dogs respond to a lower ranking member the moment the lower ranking member initiates any behavior. The PackSense Collar Technique enables you to establish and maintain a natural pack order according to the Laws of Pack with your dog every waking moment and setting your dog up for success no matter what triggers it.

This is why I developed the PackSense Natural Behavior Training & The Laws of Pack. All dog owners need to be in front of their dog’s response behaviors and establishing them as the higher ranking member every waking moment. This improves and maintains your dog’s behavioral health and significantly reduces the liability associated with your dog acting out behaviors considered unwanted, aggressive, dangerous, or vicious.