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PackSense Collar Technique

PackSense Collar Technique

The PackSense Collar Technique mimics the response behavior a higher ranking member of a natural pack of dogs acts out on a lower ranking member of the pack the moment it violates the Laws of Pack. This natural technique instantly modifies a dog’s behavior from a dominant to submissive mode.

Basic dominant mode behavior is represented with “high” tail (wagging or not wagging), ears forward set, and eyes staring at stimulus (dog, human, animal, car, etc.).

Basic submissive mode behavior is represented by “low” tail (tucked under belly or relaxed), ears back or relaxed, and eyes NOT on the stimulus (looking at trainer, or away).

The technique utilizes the PD 2” wide training collar and should be done with one hand (keeping arm locked and straight). If trainer is on right side of the dog, the right hand is to be used to grip the collar at the top of dog’s neck with fingers pointing towards the dog’s butt. It is just the opposite if on the left side of the dog (human uses left hand). Human’s legs should be shoulder length wide and parallel to the dog’s torso/body while gripping the collar. If human is using their right hand to grip the collar as explained above, their left leg should be in between their dog’s back legs and front legs positioned in the middle area and their right leg positioned in front of the dog’s front legs. This prevents the dog from turning away from trainer (dog will turn into trainers legs). If the dog attempts to “square up” with the trainer (by moving its body away from trainer’s legs), then the trainer should drive into (walk/step into) the dog with their body and legs to achieve the original “parallel” position with their (the trainers’) legs.

If the dog is too strong or big, a leash “suit case” technique should be utilized. The leash “suit case” technique utilizes the PD 10’ training leashes and is perfected by putting the leash underneath the dog (just in front of dog’s hind or back legs) and joining the leash on the opposite side of the dog to the part of the leash that’s connected to the collar on the top side of dog. Please ask for demonstration from Steve Mace or Goldie if needed.

Once in this position, the trainer should turn (DO NOT touch or grab dog with free arm) the dog so that its butt is towards the stimulus (dog, human, animal, car, etc.). This now puts the dog into a submissive position in relation to the stimulus. Trainer will need to use their wrist to force the dog to NOT be able to look or see the stimulus while performing the technique.

While in the position with the dog, the trainer is saying the dog’s name and the “NO” command continuously in a commanding and loud voice. This will connect the “NO” command to the submissive behavior mode.